Sunday, November 8, 2015

Skip: An Epic Fairy Tale Fantasy Adventure Series (Book One) by Perrin Briar


The first book in this seven part series introduces a small town called Time, a thief named Elian Stump, and a rich girl named Jera Wythnos. This first novel mostly follows Jera and her sister Kali and their betrothal to Richard and Gregory Ascar, respectively. In the middle of Time is a clock that no one can really explain why it's there, but its importance to the town is unquestionable.

This author is very descriptive,and the first two chapters are mainly about world building. That being said, the characters that were introduced in this very descriptive manner were definitely memorable. The author chose very distinct features to describe which made each character stick out in my mind.

The betrothal of Jera and Kali is the main subject of this novel. Kali is all for it, excited to begin her married life in a fabulously wealthy family. Jera is less enthused, wishing she could travel the world instead. Richard then attempts to win her heart. Although this is not such a thrilling back story, I assume it does provide some insight into Jera's character for future installments.

Perhaps my biggest issue with this first novel, and the reason it's only getting a "good" rating, is because right when the biggest conflict was introduced the novel was over. [Spoilers ahead] When the clock in the center of town is broken, Grandfather Time reveals that it actually holds together all of time and space in every dimension. Jera and Elian end up getting thrown forward in time. Sounds interesting, right? I guess I'll have to read the second installment to find out, because the novel ended on that. I applaud the author for making me want to read the next book, but at the same time I was disappointed because I read the rather mundane back story and was not rewarded with the meat of the novel.

My last impression of the novel is that I might someday pick up the second novel out of pure curiosity, but it's not an ultimate priority.

Buy Skip: Book One by Perrin Briar on

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